Sunday, October 7, 2012

Hymn #1... The Morning Breaks

"The morning breaks, the shadows flee"

     Beautiful words, no? They promise that with each new day, all the dark is gone. Light is here once again. With morning comes hope and light - we've all heard that before. The Lord is my Light... haha, that's hymn #89, but it's true: the Lord can help us through any trial and He can bring us through any dark day - and in the morning, it will all be gone. 
     Music holds promises that only the most intent, heart-listeners can understand and hear. One can read the words of a poem, novel, or song, but if they are not set on learning, they will not find anything worth reading.
     For a copy of this beautiful hymn, with words by Parley P. Pratt and music by George Careless, visit this link: Hymn #1 in LDS hymnbook 
      If for some reason it doesn't work, you can go to

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