Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Hymn #3...Now Let Us Rejoice

Now let us rejoice in the day of salvation,
the latter-day glory begins to come forth...
    Haha, I will probably say this every time, but aren't these words just beautiful? For the full hymn with lyrics, please click on the link at the end. 
    What does the word rejoice mean to you? 
                       REJOICE = v. to be glad; take delight
    I love this word! There's a saying that I probably have wrong, but if you've heard it, you know what I'm talking about :) "We rejoice in Christ" I know there's words before it, but I can't remember them all. I truly do rejoice in my Savior: I'm so grateful that He atoned for my sins and that He loves me and understands everything I go through. I love Him and I'm thankful to know Him.
    As I listen to or sing this hymn, I always - always - find myself smiling. And hey! the words are written by William W. Phelps :) What a great guy...
    Here's the link for Hymn #3 in LDS Hymnbook
    ... (Hymn #3 will be continued)...

Monday, October 8, 2012

Hymn #2... The Spirit of God

The Spirit of God like a fire is burning!
We'll sing and we'll shout with the armies of heaven,
Hosana, hosana to God and the Lamb!
Let glory to them in the highest be given,
Henceforth and forever, Amen and amen!

     This song - it just has a certain spirit to it (haha) that gives me the chills. 
     I will sing and I will shout for the restored Gospel, for my beliefs, and for my loved ones. I love this line...
How blessed the day when the lamb and the lion
Shall lie down together without any ire.
     I can't wait for that blessed day - and some say that it isn't far away. I hope to at least be alive when it happens, when Christ will come again. It will truly be a joyous day, for everyone (except maybe the wicked...) 
      Like this hymn? Try singing it to the tune of tomorrow's "Now Let Us Rejoice" (hymn #3) - it's really fun and pretty. Yeah, you might have to flip back and forth, but it's a great way to intermingle the hymns.
      Here's the link ... Hymn #2 in LDS Hymnbook... enjoy! There are many great arrangements of this beautiful hymn on YouTube. I love this one ... Mormon Tabernacle Choir, The Spirit of God ... and I love the soloists!
      Will you, as William W. Phelps said, shout for Zion, for God and the Lamb?
      Does the Spirit of God burn in your heart? It does in mine!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Hymn #1... The Morning Breaks

"The morning breaks, the shadows flee"

     Beautiful words, no? They promise that with each new day, all the dark is gone. Light is here once again. With morning comes hope and light - we've all heard that before. The Lord is my Light... haha, that's hymn #89, but it's true: the Lord can help us through any trial and He can bring us through any dark day - and in the morning, it will all be gone. 
     Music holds promises that only the most intent, heart-listeners can understand and hear. One can read the words of a poem, novel, or song, but if they are not set on learning, they will not find anything worth reading.
     For a copy of this beautiful hymn, with words by Parley P. Pratt and music by George Careless, visit this link: Hymn #1 in LDS hymnbook 
      If for some reason it doesn't work, you can go to