Saturday, August 31, 2013

Hymn #4...Truth Eternal

Truth eternal, truth divine

I hate lying. I am a hypocrite, though, because I have lied--but I really do hate it. I've been doing better with it, but, really, being honest is your best bet (if you bet) because you only have to remember something once; the truth. 

Don't lie. It's bad. You feel good because you "covered something up" or you "earned someone's trust" or you "made someone like you more"--but really, it'll come back to haunt you and then you have to be humiliated by the fact that you made a stupid decision that might've seemed good at the time.

Take my advice; telling a lie will only help you here on Earth, but will only hurt you in Heaven. Your Father in Heaven knows your heart and your intentions--so don't lie.

Click here to read all of Hymn #4's lyrics.

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